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How can I create my own event

Are there any cost by creating an event

No. This servis for free. No advertising and no costs will come.


This servis for free. No advertising and no costs will come.

Posted 4 years agoby blackkn8-admin

Did I need an account to create an event?

Yes, for creating, we need some information about you and your event. So please create an account.

Yes, for creating, we need some information about you and your event.

So please create an account.

Posted 4 years agoby blackkn8-admin

After creating, I should wait for validating... Why this and how long will that need for?

Yes, our team will be informed immediately after adding your event. We will check them for some information and if…

Yes, our team will be informed immediately after adding your event. 

We will check them for some information and if there are no problems with the content we will validate it asap.

Normally it should not need more time than 12-24h.

Posted 4 years agoby blackkn8-admin

How can i create my own event

You have to register yourself and make sure, that you are logged in. Goto the top menu "List Events" and…
  1. You have to register yourself and make sure, that you are logged in.

  2. Goto the top menu "List Events" and click on the drop down "Add Event".

  3. Fill out any details to your event.

    Note: Name (1) and Email (2) fields are filled out from system side...nothing to do for you there... ;-).
    1. Name is not needed to filled out! This field will be filled from system side.
    2. Email is not needed to filled out! This field will be filled from system side.
    3. Title is the field for the Name of the event.
    4. Category: Drop Down Menu where you can select the type of the event.
    5. Event Image: You can Upload one picture for your event. That picture will used also as "Thumbnail".
      Maximum size of the image file are 5MB!
      Note: At this time you can't change the image after creation of the event! Also please make sure you take the correct image. 

    6. Start-Date is the date of the beginning of the event.
    7. End-Date is the ending date of the event.

    8. Short Description means, that you can enter a small description with a maximum of 100 chars to this event.
    9. Description means, that you can insert all of your informations to this event.
      You can describe the rules, venue and so on.
      Also you can add informations of payment or contact. 
      Note: HTML code is not permitted.

    10. Venue: Please insert the name of the location.
    11. Email: Please insert the contact mail of the event manager. (Can be a different as your own!)
    12. Telephone: Please insert the contact phone number of the event manager. (If you think it is okay to publish it)
    13. Website: This field can be used to set the Website of the event, if it has an own.
    14. Link to vekn.net: If you publish this event on vekn.net you can enter the calender url of the event like you can saw at the placeholder.
    15. Link to your website: If you have another Website URL what you like to promote.
    16. File: If you have a special Description like a how to, or some other informations. You can upload a pdf File. (Maximum files is 1 and max. size is 5MB!)

    17. Address: That is a google maps address field, please enter a streetname, number, zip code, city and country to make sure google will find it.
    18. Registration: If you want to allow people to registrate to your event it should be turned on.
    19. NB of tickets: That is a geeky nerd think. (Everythink needs a limit and so the number of available tickets also...^^)
      Normally 100 should be enough because a user can only get 1 ticket. But if you think the number of registered users are higher, feel free to take a bigger number.
    20. Registration type: Is also a geeky thing please leave it "by date" wink

    21. Terms of Service: Please read it and accept them. 
    22. Submit your event. 


Posted 4 years agoby blackkn8-admin

How do I manage my event

How can I manage my event and what can I do there...

If you are already logged in,go to the menu point: "List Events" (1) and click at: "Manage my events" (2).…

If you are already logged in,go to the menu point: "List Events" (1) and click at: "Manage my events" (2).

Find menu point

Then you get a list with all your published events.

There you can take one of two options.

  • (3) Check participants
  • (4) Edit event

 If you click at Check participants you will get an overview of all participants of the event.

By clicking at edit event, you can change some details (but not all options are available at this time... (sorry cry ) )

Posted 4 years agoby blackkn8-admin

How can I interact with my participants and can see a full list?

By clicking at check my participants you will get an overview with a lot of functions to interact. (5) Here…

By clicking at check my participants you will get an overview with a lot of functions to interact.

participant overview


  • (5) Here you can see the date and time when the user was adding himself to the event.
  • (6) You get the status if a special invitation was sent to this user. (By the form at Point 11 and 12.)
  • (7) If a general invitation was sent to the player and later users will register to this event you can resend the "same" invitation to them. 
    Please Note:
    Field (11) will only be in use if you will use the Send invitation to all registered users button (12).
    If you edit field 11 and send the button (7) then only the old message will be submitted and not the new one. All changes will be lost!.
  • (8) At the end of a Tournament, you can get a list of how many users were registered at the front desk of your event by using the QR or authentication code from the special email. (11 and 12)
  • (9) By clicking at this icon you will open your mail client and can send the user an email.
  • (10) If you define a preregistration payment and the user sends you money or whatever you can mark him here as paid.
  • (11)Here you can insert a special invitation text to your players. Please use only text and the small "what you see is what you get an editor".
    This place is perfect for your payment instructions for preregistrations and other special details what only 
    Please Note:
    This field will only be in use if you will use the Send invitation to all registered users button (12) and only then changes will be saved!
  • (12) By using this button the system sends an email to all registered users include a personal invitation and authentication code (and a QR code) for the registration at the front desk.
    example invitation
    example of the ticket invitation.
  • (13)The create CSV Export button allows you to export all registered players with all information to a name_of_event.csv file. And you can open it, with excel/libre office/open office and can add this information to your archon.
    The file has seven columns and will be created in ordering:

    • Random Number (Can used for archon file!)
    • First-Name (Need for archon file!)
    • Last-Name (Need for archon file!)
    • City (Need for archon file!)
    • VEKN (Need for archon file!)
    • When did the user get the invitation (Not need for archon file!)
    • Did the user paid your event (Not need for archon file!)
  • (14) Create Archon export file
    This Button is at this time disabled. Because the function is not ready yet. 
    But if enough users are interested to have this function I will add it.
Posted 4 years agoby blackkn8-admin

Can I add a payment method for preregistration

Sorry not at this time. But if enough users are interested at this function I will try to add this…

Sorry not at this time. cry

But if enough users are interested at this function I will try to add this function.


Posted 4 years agoby blackkn8-admin

How can I edit my own event

If you want to edit your event you have to go to List Events (1) and then click to Manage…

If you want to edit your event you have to go to List Events (1) and then click to Manage my events (2)


The you can click to Edit event (4)


If you do so, you will get a small form where you can make your changes.


  •  Title
  • Category
  • Short Description
  • Description
  • Start-Date
  • End-Date
  • Contact Email
  • Contact phone
  • Vendor Name
  • Vendor address
Posted 4 years agoby blackkn8-admin

I'm at the event registration and player want to give me their ticket what shall I do?

If you are at the front desk and will welcome all registered players to the event. And the will show…

If you are at the front desk and will welcome all registered players to the event. And the will show you a QR code or an authentication code.

Then no panic that is only for documentation to all registered users.

Normally an invitation ticket with a QR code will looks like:


If you get a code like this you can go with your laptop / tablet to this menu point: ticket confirmation

Then you will see this:

And then you can enter the authentification code in the field and submit it.
If the code is formally valid it will be pass and verify the user for the event. (Codes can be insert more then once, but are only verify the user once per time)

Alternate you can use your smartphone to scan the QR code and verify the user directly.

Special Note

Only the owner of the event is able to verify user!

If you are a volunteer and will help at the "orga" please inform the site admin (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ), to mark your account as an "orga" volunteer that allows you to verify users, too!
If this was done once, it is ready for ALL other events ready and this does not need to be done again!


Posted 4 years agoby blackkn8-admin

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